Friday, April 15, 2011

When Elleyne showed me her new book

With 32 years in customer service, 19 of them in the insurance industry, I've always been interested in helping people understand what is happening with their issues. These issues can be as simple as a client trying to understand why their policy requires higher premium or helping an agent understand a complex concept, such as a 412(I), defined benefit, plan. When Elleyne showed me her new book, I was very impressed with the method she used. Although I took my insurance test a number of years ago, (they had just gone from paper to computers) I knew of a number of people who struggled to get through the process. Their complaint was that it just didn't make sense. Since I use diagrams and pictures when I am training agents, I really felt this was the answer.

I was flattered when she asked me to review her information and come up with some scenarios to help explain the different ideas presented. In 19 years, I have accumulated a number of stories and was pleased to lend a hand. I hope you'll find them helpful in achieving your goal, and passing the test.
– Diane Montoya, Insurance Professional –
See/purchase the life and health (disability) books and eStudy online at or

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New York Life Calling ...

Recently had a student call me from New York. Been getting several students from that area recently. He was very happy to have the Visual Quick Notes Life & Health eStudy to use for exam prep. There was a lot of pressure on the job to pass the exam within a particular time period so was remarking how easy the mapping totally organized the subject for him. This saved the time, effort, and anxiety he would have had to use to do it himself. The existing study material just didn't do it for him.
See/purchase the life and health (disability) books and eStudy online at or